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Weekly Round Up

Following a week of arrests, Pro Secure has noticed that recent trends show an uptick in criminal activity in the early hours of the morning, specifically 2am to 4am.

The week started off with the Tango 1 SRU arresting a suspect who was carrying a rim and tyre, walking along a street in Chatsworth, after midnight. Naturally, this looked suspicious. When the members stopped to question him, he darted off. The SRU chased the suspect, on foot and arrested him. The stolen item was handed over to the SAPS.

In a separate incident, on the 13th October at approximately 2am, a suspect was walking along a street in Woodhurst, Chatsworth carrying a TV. When he saw the SRU who was patrolling at the time, he dropped the TV and tried to run off. The quick thinking officers were able to corner and apprehend the suspect. He admitted to breaking into a home, not too far away. On his person the members found house breaking implements and a firearm, which he admitted to using if he was confronted during a robbery. The stolen item and the weapon was handed over to the SAPS.

On the 15th October at approximately 20:15 the DELTA 2 SRU was on patrol in the Morningside area. Whilst on patrol a member of the public ran onto the road screaming for help. There were multiple victims lying bleeding on the road side. People on the scene reported that a single male was running through the street, stabbing anyone he saw. The SRU members counted 10 victims who were bleeding profusely. As they were assisting on scene, the suspect reappeared. The SRU was able to disarm and apprehend the suspect. He was handed over to the SAPS.

This morning, whilst on patrol the DELTA 2 SRU noticed a male carrying a gate and walking on the street. Upon questioning the individual, he confessed to stealing the gate from a local school. The gate was returned and the suspect arrested.

” This has certainly been a very busy week for the SPECIALIZED RESPONSE UNITS,” said Vaughan Pillay, of Pro Secure. “We are extremely proud of the exceptional work that that the Specialised Unit does daily and encourage our communities to continue sharing valuable Intel with us, as we serve and protect,” added Pillay

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