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What a Weekend

At Pro Secure, our weekends are never short of fun! This weekend was no different, and went something like this,


The SRU had just completed a kidnapping simulation at a local school in Durban, when they received Intel from a reliable source about a stolen vehicle that was being housed in Chatsworth. The team immediately responded to the message and within minutes recovered the vehicle. With the assistance of another local service provider, the scene was secured and later handed over to the SAPS. The grateful owner was ecstatic that her new Hyundai SUV was recovered in record breaking time. Well done to the team!


The annual RICE DRIVE is a much anticipated event on the Pro Secure activity calendar. The team was privileged to have been tasked with leading the convoy of super cars and well wishers from Umhlanga to the River Range Ranch, in Verulam.

Here the team assisted with supporting the Food For Life Organization manage the logistics for the day. The day saw a whopping 60 tons of rice being collected, which is certainly an amazing accomplishment. ” The support and success of the Rice Drive is a reminder of the great people whom we encounter on a daily basis. There were rice sponsors from corporates to individual pensioners, all who just wanted to make a difference. This was such a special and incredible event,”said Vaughan Pillay, MD at Pro Secure.

To sum up Saturday, a local church in Phoenix hosted an event called” The Night of the Stars “. The event was centered around a boxing match and featured popular local middle weight boxing champions. The SRU had the privilege of offering additional support and protection on the afternoon.

” Being a localised service provider, Pro Secure is able to get involved in the communities that we serve,” said Pillay

Pillay also urged the communities to contact the Pro Secure offices to enquire about the specials that the Pro Secure Pest Division is currently running.” As the days are starting to warm up, it is imperative that all households do a Pest Control service to keep the creepy crawlies at bay, said Pillay.” “We have packaged deals for indoor and outdoor services as well as bed bug treatments, he went on to say.”

“The Pro Secure Senior Management team appreciates the efforts of the Pro Team that constantly go over and beyond, to ensure that the communities that we serve, are safer,” expressed Pillay.

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